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the Impact of Cancer on Heart Health ❤️‍🩹

 "Exploring the Impact of Cancer on Heart Health ❤️‍🩹

Within the realm of cancer treatment, the potential for Cancer Therapeutics-Related Cardiac Dysfunction (CTRCD) looms as a recognized complication arising from the use of chemotoxic agents. In the echocardiography sphere, where I proudly contribute, CTRCD takes on a specific definition: a significant decrease of over 10 percentage points in the Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF), resulting in a value falling below 53%. This decline is to be confirmed through repeated cardiac imaging.

In the echocardiography laboratory I'm part of, a specialized team of us undertakes the meticulous examination of consecutive echocardiograms for patients undergoing or planning to undergo chemotherapy. By harnessing the power of strain imaging—a unique echocardiographic parameter—we're empowered to identify subtle declines in ventricular function even before the ejection fraction shows substantial drops. This critical capability empowers oncologists and cardiologists to initiate proactive interventions prior to any onset of cardiac decompensation. Such early interventions are pivotal in ensuring the comprehensive care of these patients.

It's worth noting that the article includes captivating strain images and a compelling "bullseye plot" showcasing the results of a patient's surveillance study."

Article by: Dr. Koh Choong Hou - Consultant Cardiologist - National Heart Centre, Singapore. 

Tobacco Effect with your lung

 This is a lung after 20 years of smoking a pack a day. The person developed COPD and died.

When you see the way it inflates and deflates compared to a normal lung, there is a marked difference—primarily on the deflation side.

The smoking lung instantly collapses after each breath, as the walls have been weakened. They can no longer keep air in the lungs.

The healthy lung slowly deflates after each breath, going out like a balloon with a tiny hole in it.

- About COPD -

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a lung disease that makes it difficult to breathe. Smoking is the leading cause of COPD. When a person smokes, the harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke damage the airways and air sacs in the lungs. This damage causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, making it harder to breathe.

Over time, smoking can cause the air sacs in the lungs to lose their elasticity, making it difficult to exhale. This leads to a buildup of air in the lungs, which can cause shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and other symptoms of COPD.

Smoking can also cause chronic bronchitis, which is a type of COPD that involves inflammation of the bronchial tubes. This inflammation causes excess mucus production and coughing.

It is important to note that quitting smoking can help slow the progression of COPD and improve lung function. If you are a smoker and experiencing symptoms of COPD, it is important to see a healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment.

a short and simplified information about coronary angiogram & coronary angioplasty

 A coronary angiogram, also known as cardiac catheterization, is a medical procedure used to visualize the blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen and nutrients. During this procedure, a thin tube called a catheter is inserted into an artery in the groin or wrist and guided through the blood vessels to the heart.

Once the catheter is in place, a special dye called contrast material is injected through the catheter and into the coronary arteries. The dye allows the arteries to be visualized on X-ray images, which are captured in real-time.

The images obtained during the procedure can reveal any narrowing, blockages, or abnormalities in the coronary arteries. This information can be used to diagnose conditions such as coronary artery disease, which can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and other symptoms.

In some cases, a coronary angiogram can also be used to treat a blocked artery & we call it 'coronary angioplasty'. During the procedure, a tiny balloon can be inflated at the site of the blockage to open up the artery and restore blood flow. A small metal mesh tube called a stent may also be inserted to help keep the artery open.

Although a coronary angiogram is generally considered a safe and routine procedure, it does carry some risks, such as bleeding or damage to the blood vessels. Your healthcare provider will discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with you beforehand and help you decide if it is the best course of action for your specific situation.

Nurses involvement:

Nurses play main role for pre assessment, intra procedure and post procedure care. The role in cardiac cath lab is almost similar to Operating Room Nurses. 

i shared few important role that nurses carry out for the patients which is going for angiogram/angioplasty procedure. 

  • Nurses should ensure the procedure is listed and consented before send patient for procedure.
  • make sure patient is fasting prior to the procedure.
  • ensure safety check list is complete and patient is aware with the needs and importance of procedure. 
    • usually doctor prescribed dual anti-platelets tablet for the patients, need to take before procedure.
    • make sure patient shared related information with medical condition such as allergic, any procedure or heart surgery in past, it is very important for the doctors know before carry out procedure.
  • For post procedure, patient will be monitored in recovery bay before send patient to ward.
  • Nurses at recovery will make sure patient is alert, no pain and hemodynamically stable, no bleeding at puncture site, documentation is complete before transfer patient to ward. 

if you need complete information, refer to the images below:
before procedure:

during procedure:

after procedure:

a short intro about myself.

Hello everyone! My name is Devendran, i was born & raised in Penang, Malaysia and I am a registered male nurse. I have been working at the National Heart Institute in Kuala Lumpur for the past seven years, and during this time, I have gained extensive experience in assisting with cardiac cath lab procedures.

As a nurse, I am passionate about helping others and providing the best possible care to my patients. Working in the cardiology field has given me the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of those who are struggling with heart-related issues.

In my role at the National Heart Institute, I have honed my skills and become specialized in assisting with cardiac cath lab procedures. This has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the nuances involved in this important aspect of cardiology care.

I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with all of you through this blog. My hope is that by sharing my insights and stories, I can help others learn more about the world of cardiology and the crucial role that nurses play in this field. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

and for your another information, i also had studied and graduated in information system ( Diploma in IT ). before i enter nursing world. i would like to share my knowledge and skills that related with this field too. I promise that i will try my level best to make my future post more interesting and not boring. 

ermm.. i'm an sketch artist too.. 😊😊😊😊😉